Top 6 Reasons to Get an Auto Window Tint When Living in California

Fairfield Tint Masters Blogger • Sep 15, 2022

Are you considering whether or not to get an auto window tint? You will need no more convincing after reading these 6 reasons to get an auto window tint.

auto window tint

Did you know that each state has its own laws regarding window tinting? Originally a method of adding privacy to vehicles, many people are now realizing the myriad benefits it brings. But what exactly does it involve?

If you are looking to improve the look, efficiency, and safety of your car then tinting could be for you. Read on as we present six reasons you need an auto window tint in California. 

What Is Car Window Tinting?

A window tint is a thin, laminate film that adheres to the car window. The primary reason for this is to darken the glass, giving it a black sheen. However, tinting film comes in many different shades and colors, and there are several reasons people choose to get it on their vehicles. 

The Benefits of Window Tinting Your Car

There are several benefits to car window tinting. Below, we have collected the ones you need to know about. 

1. Protects the Car Interior

You may have experienced the damage sunlight can cause to furniture in your own home. In areas where sunlight is direct, upholstery and furniture can become sun faded. This destroys its look and value. 

Exactly the same thing can happen with your car. If you have leather seats, this can occur even more quickly. Within a year, you may see your expensive seating faded and discolored. 

If you have paid for upgrades on the trim, a car window tint makes a lot of sense. It is a very low outlay that will hold in a lot of the car's value. 

2. Protecting Drivers and Passengers

It is not only the upholstery and interior fittings of your car that can get damaged by the sun. Ultraviolet light is a health hazard, responsible for skin cancers and premature aging. While you may feel safe in your vehicle, this light can still penetrate through glass windows. 

A car window tint can shield you from up to 99% of UV radiation. Of course, this depends on the quality and level of tint you decide to install. It is a small price to pay to safeguard the health of yourself and your passengers. 

3. Enhances Privacy and Safety

There are several reasons auto window tinting enhances both the safety and privacy of your vehicle. Most people do not realize that in the event of a collision, tinted windows are an additional measure to hold shatterproof glass together. This can help protect you from cuts, bruises, and objects coming through the window. 

Secondly, tinted windows obscure the view into the vehicle. Either driving or stationary, this prevents people from seeing what you are doing. It may be useful if you have passengers who need privacy or don't want to be distracted. 

Finally, by preventing people from looking into the vehicle you can limit the chance of theft. If people don't know what is in a car, they are less likely to break in and steal. Inside, it is more profitable for them to find vehicles where items they can grab and run are displayed. 

4. Increases Energy Efficiency

You may think of energy efficiency in terms of your property. However, one of the main auto window tinting benefits is that increases efficiency in your vehicle. Just like the home, this results in reduced costs for you. 

When you get into a hot vehicle, the first thing you do is turn up the AC. This uses gas, which is becoming increasingly expensive. If the car is cooler, you need less AC and use less fuel. 

One way to keep it temperate is to reduce the levels of the sun coming through the window. With window tinting, you will notice a huge difference in the internal temperature levels in your vehicle. If it is a hot day or you live in areas with hot climates, it will be even more noticeable. 

5. Reduces Glare

You will have experienced glare many times before. It usually happens at home, when you sit down in daylight to watch a tv show and light obscures the screen. If it happens during driving it can be very dangerous. 

Glare when driving can obscure vision causing crashes. Unlike most causes of motor accidents, it is quite unavoidable. You can't prevent the sun from shining. 

You could buy expensive polarizing lens glasses. A more permanent solution is to get a car window tint that reduces glare greatly.

6. Improved Aesthetics

While there are many benefits to car window tinting, at the end of the day it just looks great. It adds a layer of chic design to your vehicle. This makes it unique and can help it stand out from others on the road. 

Can I Tint a Window Myself?

All the equipment and film you need can be bought online. This allows you to tint car windows yourself. However, it is not recommended. 

Window tinting is not an easy process. You only get one shot at it, and if it goes wrong you will soon have creases and bubbles in the film. You may even end up going to a professional to get it corrected. 

Another reason is that any dust or dirt on the vehicle will show through the film. Even if you wash the car, unless you are in a sealed environment applying the film is not advised. One gust of wind or dust can ruin the whole thing. 

Getting Auto Window Tint Installed

Now you know the benefits of auto window tint, contact a professional to discuss it. They will know local laws and the types of tints available. Search reviews and find ones that give the best service. 

Fairfield Tint Master should be your first stop. We have a range of auto, residential and commercial films for all your needs. Contact us here for your free auto window tinting estimate. 

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